Grg Lstr's linkdump and thoughts on science, family and things in the ocean that would kill you if given the opportunity.


Hopefully, I’ll get to see a shuttle launch one day  before they cancel the program. Here’s a neat launch blog and its take on the day yesterday. One bit in particular stood out for me:

I always buy at least one mission pin. Its neat

That’s from the blog’s author, a journalist, touching on an essential truth: it is neat and we do wish we can be a part of it in some way.


  1. Monika

    hey, some of us Americans absolutely love soccer. and I think the rest of the world is onto something; soccer is clearly the superior sport. really, only hockey can compare. 😉

    I think the lack of interest is fueled by the lack of TV support and marketing – where, oh where, will the networks stick their commercials? soccer just isn’t American-marketing friendly… which pretty much makes me love it more!

  2. Greg

    Monika! Yinz got a point there with the advertizing, but they’ve got to have some way around it. I’ve seen enough vodafone jerseys to think that plastering players with ads like NASCAR machines is probably one way they pay the piper overseas.

    The lack of TV support thing is a bit of a trickier chicken/egg thing.

    Of course, you’re commenting in the wrong post. 😉

    Glad you made it back from Portugal, it must have been insane over there.

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