Grg Lstr's linkdump and thoughts on science, family and things in the ocean that would kill you if given the opportunity.

Shadow People

A report in Nature unveils the part of the brain responsible for people who believe they are being shadowed.  Omigosh, another possible paranormal thing explained by faulty brain wiring.

Go figure


  1. Monika

    why do you say it’s “faulty” – maybe we’re supposed to think that, maybe it helps keep us alive and has enhanced our evolution… MAYBE SOME OF US ARE BEING SHADOWED AND OUR BRAINS ACTUALLY PICK IT UP WHILE YOUR INFERIOR BRAIN DOES NOT!!!!!!

    *cough* sorry. fine now. what was I saying?

  2. Greg

    Actually, faulty probably isn’t the right word here. It might very well be part of natural wiring, like the blindspot.

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