Continuing a thought from earlier, I wanted to link this article, which sees how we stereotype people based on their hoops…from a different, um, orientation.
It is funny how the Outback is associated with lesbians. But, in my mind, at least, it is also associated with NPR yuppies. Folks of reasonable means who feel the Outback somehow gives them granola cred. (When in reality, the little AWD hatchback on roids guzzles more gas most cars its size. I really have a problem with unnecessary all-wheel drive for people in Philly and its suburbs. The roads around here are littered with these people. I don’t know why, but it bothers me.)
It is incredibly silly, yet otherwise sane people say horrible things about folks who drive any form of SUV. Likewise, they’ll think wonderful things about people who drive SUVs emblazoned with Terrapass stickers. It is all about status, especially those who think that simply buying Terrapass carbon offsets for their SUV absolves them of their guilt. I categorize them with smug Prius owners, but for different reasons, since they are all deluding themselves in some way.
If you are truly concerned with your environmental impact (and you still need to buy a car), what makes you think that carbon offsets make up for the 6mpg Land Rover? It’s like having a diet Coke with your whopper. Have salad instead.
Still, at the risk of coming out of the closet (read that article, really), I’d be all over the electric Mini Coop. Of course, it is horribly impractical for the price ($50k), but if there were nuke plants to support the extra electricity use, I’d jump all over it. The Tesla Whitestar is supposed to be in the $40k range, which sounds reasonable for an electric family sedan. Plus, there’s the Babylon 5 connection</nerd>.
As for now, if you drive an electric car you’re just centralizing your carbon output.
Just some random thoughts