I went for a walk at lunchtime today and listened to Rick Steves (he whom my wife somewhat lovingly refers to as the Travel Nerd) interview David Sedaris. (Read, Listen)

Sedaris isn’t your typical Rick Steves guest. That is, he’s not part of Rick Steves’ stable of foreign tour guides. It was a good interview, especially if you read Sedaris or listen to him on NPR, but you can tell Rick wasn’t quite as comfortable dealing with minor celebrities.  You don’t try to out quip people like Sedaris. He’ll just ignore you if you do.

You’re not going to get any good travel tips this go around, but they do talk about one of my favorite (and least favorite) things about travel: the inherent awkwardness and confusion in travel. Sedaris, of course, excels at that sort of thing. His latest collection of essays, When You Are Engulfed in Flames, goes on the list.

It is worth listening to for the crop dusting comments, if anything.