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Hyping the holographic universe

I write press releases for a living, I’m afraid. And, over the last decade, I figure I must have written nearly 1,000 of them (if you count tipsheets, which I am for the purpose of generating a nice round number). So when I saw this up on Eurekalert!, I figured that was a bold bit of headline-smithing. Of course, it also tripped my BS alert…until I read the release.

Cardiff researchers could herald a new era in fundamental physics
Cardiff University researchers who are part of a British-German team searching the depths of space to study gravitational waves, may have stumbled on 1 of the most important discoveries in physics according to an American physicist

Cardiff University researchers who are part of a British-German team searching the depths of space to study gravitational waves, may have stumbled on one of the most important discoveries in physics according to an American physicist.

Craig Hogan, a physicist at Fermilab Centre for Particle Astrophysics in Illinois is convinced that he has found proof in the data of the gravitational wave detector GEO600 of a holographic Universe – and that his ideas could explain mysterious noise in the detector data that has not been explained so far.

The British-German team behind the GEO600, which includes scientists from the School of Physics and Astronomy’s Gravitational Physics Group, will now carry out new experiments in the coming months to yield more evidence about Craig Hogan’s assumptions. If proved correct, it could help in the quest to bring together quantum mechanics and Einstein’s theory of gravity.

I’ve been busy the last few weeks, so I missed the holographic hoopla from Craig Hogan. The idea is — in my likely erroneous inerpretations — that what we know as 3D reality is really 2D information projected from edges of the universe, the cosmological horizon, like a the cover of National Geographic (when we still thought holograms were cool). The Cardiff University is a bit of press release me-too-ism, but that’s largely forgivable (I do it myself sometimes) if a bit tacky (a spade’s a spade).

What I want to know is what are the consequences of living in a holographic universe. Are there any perks? Neat ways to hack reality, for example?

Or will holographic be the new woo word as we get tired of saying “quantum” everything? Only time and Oprah will tell.

1 Comment

  1. Navid

    Yes we inhabit a giant hologram and everything is Energy, but it must be understood exactly what all energies are, time, mass, space, plasma, light, life, thought, every known or unknown form of energy ever conceived, they are all information, grains of information that interact, transmute, expand, constrict, but always build upon themselves, expanding out in all realities. These energies all follow simple underlying constraints, firstly they are all based on pure dichotomies, and the very nature of realities are always what lies between, secondly energy is in a state of evolution, its constitution needs to ultimately transubstantiate into ever more complex forms of information, thirdly all knowledge is connected, a single ocean of unity.

    We exist in an illusion of the perception of the real, generated from the manifest physical, while the REAL always remains hidden to our perception.

    Transfinite Consciousness
    Supreme Existence
    Time Explained

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