Grg Lstr's linkdump and thoughts on science, family and things in the ocean that would kill you if given the opportunity.

Puppies of Jenkintown, Part VII: Nice Walk Edition

Before I get to last night’s walk, here’s a shot of Sir Toby Belch, which Julia caught one night last week when her owner happened to stop in front of our house to chat with a friend of his.

Sir Toby Belch

His owner seemed a little taken aback by the sudden onslaught of a four year-old paparazzo, but that’s price you pay for an extended idle conversation in front of my home.

And, lest you think Julia only takes pictures of puppies, here is one of her frequent still life experiments:

still life with fake cat

From left to right, that’s her beloved pull toy Chris, the rabbit-skinned fake cat (thanks Ruth!) and her brother Benjamin’s pull toy, which Julia helpfully named Old Chris. (You see, he’s a dog and her Chris is just a puppy…)

But let’s get on with it…

While I was getting on my shoes in preparation for last night’s Nice Walk, Julia, Ben and Aly ran out to meet these two pups, pictured below. Aly isn’t quite experienced in the ways of puppy-hunting, so she didn’t remember to jot down the dogs’ names. Aly being Aly, however, she soon learned the names of the owners, their baby and where the husband went to school (our alma mater, UDel). Lost in all the Blue Hen talk and mental groping for possible mutual friends, she forgot the names of the pooches. We’ll call them both Molly and be done with it.

After the two Mollies stopped by, we had another visitor, our old friend Tank (first entry) along with his friend Batman (on the right) just in from Oklahoma.

We couldn’t spend the whole night on the front lawn getting bitten, so we walked up to Jenkintown’s gazebo, trying to avoid going into Jenkintown Java for coffee and/or ice cream.

On the way up Greenwood we caught a rather large cricket and met Milo (doberman mix) and Lola (beagle mix). Here are their asses:


After the gazebo, we decided to head back down the hill along West toward the playground for a little pre-bedtime sliding and swinging. On the way we ran into this motley crew of canines:


From left to right, Pip the Papillon, Babydog*, Greydog* and Gator.

The nice lady walking them stopped to let Julia and Ben poke at them before pictures. The dogs aren’t all from the same home, but a collection of pets from some the walker’s older neighbors and relatives. How nice. They all seemed to get along.

After peeling the now-cranky children off the playground equipment, we met Aggie. I swear we met her before, but I can’t to find an old post with her in it. I may be mistaking her for Bailey, the Dog Who Lost Weight (last entry). This is the view of Aggie from atop my shoulders:

Aggie’s owner was reasonably impressed with Julia’s project and recommended we check out, home of Cyrus the Phodographer.

While she’s no dog, we are all impressed with Julia.


Flickr photostream for all of these images.

*actual names


Bonus Sid! We encountered Sid last Saturday while the kids and I were on the march to a garage sale. Julia used my camera, so I didn’t get a chance to retrieve the image until now. He’s some sort of Australian pooch, but clearly not a ravenous dingo, as the baby seemed safe and content.


1 Comment

  1. Julia Reisse

    You crack me up, Greg! I’ll have to catch up on the older posts at some point…too funny.

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