Here are two things that reside at the bottom of the sea that I do not need to see in real life.
The first is this Sea Mousethat washed up in the UK.

Sea Mouse? Where? Where mouse?
Aphrodita aculeata (sea mouse) is actually a hermaphroditic worm, which really doesn’t help allay my fears, and not a mouse. The hairs are not hair (really, people, worms don’t have hair), but structures called called setae, which are more like bristles than mammalian hair. Earthworms have setae too, which help keep them from sliding backwards in their own filth (fun fact!). The genus is named Aphrodita after Aphrodite, natch, because they were thought to resemble female genitalia, which really, really makes you worry about the scientists who came up with the classification. (And now I’ve used up my relative clauses for this paragraph.)
The Aphrodite nomenclature never would have occurred to me. I get the mouse thing–it really does look like a waterlogged rodent some sort–but not the vulva thing.
Second is this PopSci article that suggests DARPA wants to create drones that lie in wait on the ocean’s floor. Unmanned “Upward Floating Payloads” is creepy enough to make sand vulva worms seem normal.